Dark, foreboding piano opens to a melancholy montage of strings. Mood becomes brighter with the introduction of horns but then decends into the depth of despair.
説明:Dark, foreboding piano opens to a melancholy montage of strings. Mood becomes brighter with the introduction of horns but then decends into the depth of despair.
Flowing, forward-moving acoustic guitars with bluesy bass guitar. Short version 1: building up, exploring, Short Version 2: pushing forward, driving, Short Version 3: flowing, with bass guitar solo.
Flowing, forward-moving acoustic guitars with bluesy bass guitar. Short version 1: building up, exploring, Short Version 2: pushing forward, driving, Short Version 3: flowing, with bass guitar solo.
Dark, foreboding piano opens to a melancholy montage of strings. Mood becomes brighter with the introduction of horns but then decends into the depth of despair.
Flowing, forward-moving acoustic guitars with bluesy bass guitar. Short version 1: building up, exploring, Short Version 2: pushing forward, driving, Short Version 3: flowing, with bass guitar solo.
Flowing, forward-moving acoustic guitars with bluesy bass guitar. Short version 1: building up, exploring, Short Version 2: pushing forward, driving, Short Version 3: flowing, with bass guitar solo.