Unlike traditional thrillers, which often rely on action-packed scenes and external conflicts, a psychological thriller revolves around the psychological states, fears and motivations of the characters. This almost experimental score goes perfectly with disturbing images.
Unlike traditional thrillers, which often rely on action-packed scenes and external conflicts, a psychological thriller revolves around the psychological states, fears and motivations of the characters. This almost experimental score goes perfectly with disturbing images.
Unlike traditional thrillers, which often rely on action-packed scenes and external conflicts, a psychological thriller revolves around the psychological states, fears and motivations of the characters. This almost experimental score goes perfectly with disturbing images.
Easy-going positive pop vibes with male vocal
Cyber Sonic combines retro 80-synths with modern-day production techniques, Key F# Maj
Cyber Sonic combines retro 80-synths with modern-day production techniques, Key F# Maj
Feel good with this funky and moody track featuring jazzy guitar licks and a chill drum beat. Key: A Min.