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    UBMM217016 「At That Time」

    abstract, sperical, ethereal

    • トラックID:UBMM217016
    • タイトル:At That Time
    • バージョン:Full
    • リリース年:12-01-10
    • アルバムコード:UBMM2170
    • レーベル:UBM MEDIA
    • 曲長:2:32
    • ISRC:DEBE91000345
    • パブリッシャー:UBM MEDIA GMBH
    • 説明:abstract, sperical, ethereal
    • ジャンル:News, Business
    • モード:
    • 楽器:Marimba
    • その他:2000s, 21st century, abstract, anticipation, anticipation, foreshadowing, atmospheric, contest, comprehension, court show, scripted reality, dating show, documentary, emotional, caring, energetic, exciting, health, beauty, health, disease, hidden camera, human, portrait, marimba, music bed, underscore, mystical, outer space, outer space, portrait, reality game show, reality soap, religion/ church, self improvement, life aid, slow, social experiment, soft, sparse, airy, spheres, spherical, steady, constant, wild animals
    • テンポ:
    • BPM:
    • コンポーザー:Bernhard Hering, Matthias Krueger, Martin Wester
    • アレンジャー: