検索結果: 38
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    UBMM2261001 「Art Heist」

    Classical Hammond sound combined with drums, trumpets, saxophone and bass. Works for images of a visit in a casino.
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    Classical Hammond sound combined with drums, trumpets, saxophone and bass. Works for images of a visit in a casino.
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    UBMM2261003 「Auric Haversham」

    Dynamic start that is accentuated by organ and trumpets. Gives a postive feeling of selfconfidence. Works for images of shady deals and clever bandits.
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    Dynamic start that is accentuated by drums and organ. Gives a postive feeling of selfconfidence. Works for images of shady deals and clever bandits.
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    UBMM2261005 「Choosing Marks」

    Starts with bass. Mid-tempo track. Song becomes more dynamic and works for images of smart thieves and the implementation of a properly planned robbery.
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    Starts with bass. Mid-tempo track. Song becomes more dynamic and works for images of smart thieves and the implementation of a properly planned robbery.
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    UBMM2261007 「Collar Con A」

    Calm, relaxed track, that gives the impression as if a big event could be imminent. Loopable with drums, synthesizer, bass and organ.
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    Calm, relaxed track, that gives the impression as if a big event could be imminent. Loopable with drums, synthesizer, bass and e-guitar.
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    UBMM2261009 「Collar Con B」

    Dynamic track with Hammond organ. Ideal for images of a casino night.
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    Dynamic track with Hammond organ. Ideal for images of a casino night.
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    UBMM2261011 「Con Artist」

    Funky, groovy sound with medium tempo. Creates a feeling of selfconfidence, coolness and light tension.
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    Funky, groovy sound with medium tempo. Creates a feeling of selfconfidence, coolness and light tension.
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    UBMM2261013 「Counterfeiters」

    Loopable, calm and disturbing until 0:40 min. Becomes more dynamic. Cool sound that is ideal for action scenes and fun times.
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    Dynamic and cool sound that is ideal for action scenes and fun times.
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    UBMM2261015 「Deceptions」

    Track with a calm beginning and loopable sequences. Drums set in and create a vintage band sound with funky elements.
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    Track with a calm beginning and loopable sequences. Abstract at the end of the track.
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    UBMM2261017 「Escape」

    Funky sound which is accentuated by organ, drums, trumpets and electric guitar.
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    UBMM2261018 「Happy Ending」

    Seductive sound that is accentuated by bass, drums and electric guitar. Creates a positive mood as in the case of a happy ending of a hollywood movie.
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    UBMM2261019 「Long Con」

    Track that is accentuated by drums, bass, organ and electric guitar.
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    Track that is accentuated by drums, bass and electric guitar.
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    UBMM2261021 「Masterplan」

    Calm track that works for images of a trip through sleepy Las Vegas after a night of partying. Loopable with drums, e-guitar and transverse flute.
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    Calm track that works for images of a trip through sleepy Las Vegas after a night of partying. Loopable with drums and organ.
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    UBMM2261023 「Meet The Team」

    A distant sound of saxophone at a street festival with a lot of visitors initiates this track. Guitar, drums and trumpets set in and create a positive mood.
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    UBMM2261024 「Pickpocket」

    Song starts echoing and with trumpets. Works for images of a Route 66 roadtrip with the destination Las Vegas.
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    UBMM2261025 「Recon Mission」

    Calm drums compared with bass create a suspensful and nerve-racking mood. Trumpets set in and the track gets more dynamic.
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    Calm drums compared with bass create a suspensful and nerve-racking mood. Trumpets set in and the track gets more dynamic.
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    UBMM2261027 「Replica」

    Bass, guitar and drums create a suspensful atmosphere. Con artists spy on their potential victim.
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    UBMM2261028 「Setback」

    Bass, drums, guitar and trumpets create a cool nearly laid-back atmosphere. Works for images of smart thieves that are able to play the cat-and-mouse game without getting catched.
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    Bass, drums and electric guitar create a cool, nearly laid-back atmosphere. Works for images of smart thieves that are able to play the cat-and-mouse game without getting catched.
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    UBMM2261030 「Spy Out」

    Gangsters spy on a new casino to attack. Drums, trumpets and bass create a confident atmosphere.